Playing trailer


Jinan Yaoqiang Intl

Established in February 2023, the Jinan Yaoqiang project is NSS's inaugural commercial airport venture.
We dedicated substantial effort in terms of technology, scale, and personnel.
It represents a significant step forward for the NSS scenery studio, marking a revolutionary achievement in quality and innovation.


Accurate Models

The T1 terminal building is modeled entirely based on reference materials, achieving astonishing realism.

Realistic Lighting

Based on several real photos, manually adjusted and modeled runway lights, and airport lights configured according to official navigation charts.

Precision Taxiways

Taxiways configured according to CAAC documents, ensuring a 90% match with reality for taxiway signs.

Detailed Ground

Ground details meticulously recreated from real flight records and  satellite images, including signs, stains, and pavement corrections.

Detailed Jetways

Modeled after several airport visits and tens of real photos, the jet bridges feature dynamic animations, including animated rain covers.

Automatic AGL

All ramps at the airport are equipped with SAM automated docking guidance.

Four Dynamic Hangar

All four hangar doors at the Taikoo Ramp maintenance facility at the airport are freely controllable.

Localized Vehicles CN

Special vehicles within the airport and those in the off-site parking areas are manually modeled, featuring local license plates and paint schemes.

Global Dynamic Traffic

Special vehicles within the airport are movable, and the external roads feature a fully randomized and localized dynamic traffic flow.

Detailed Exterior

80% of the off-airport buildings are entirely handcrafted, with exterior details matching the level of intricacy found in the airport interiors.

Terminal Interior

Terminal interior design crafted based on nearly a hundred real photos, down to every advertisement and sign.

Scenery Setting APP

Adjustable scenery display settings, such as static aircraft models and ground detail levels.


Purchase Now

Suggest using AfDian or MBD purchasing in China


 X-Plane12.09 or higher

 Windows 7/8/10/11

 RAM:6GB (at least), 8GB+ recommended

 GPU:2GB (at least), 4GB+ recommended

 Disk:1.36GB (Zip) 1.96GB (Folder)


All screenshots are directly captured from the game (XP12.09)

Developer's log

Reflecting on the entire development journey, sharing thoughts and experiences.

User License Agreement (EULA) at purchase

1 Intellectual Property

1.1 The copyright of the scenery and ownership of this scenery are owned by NSS Scenery Studio, “Copyright Rules” section for details.
1.2 This scenery is under the protection of the Copyright Law of the P.R.China and international therms; and has the notary office certificate of the P.R.China
1.3 This agreement does not grant you any intellectual property rights in this scenery.

2 Scope Of License

2.1 This scenery is for the personal use of the buyer only, Do not share any part of the scenery with others in any ways.
2.2 Prohibited for any purpose use
2.3 Don’t reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the scenery.
2.4 Don’t convert the scenery to other simulated flight platforms.

3 License

3.1 By purchasing this scenery, you have read and agreed to this agreement, and this agreement continues to be valid. If you don’t agree to this clause, you should not purchase


Contact us

If you have any post-purchase issues or just want to chat, feel free to reach out.

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